Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Altering our Minds for Creativity (or whatever!)

Carolina Maldonado O'Brien
How encouraging is it to know we can train our brains to be more creative (or more of whatever you would like.)  We don't have to be "stuck" with what was handed down via our genes; we can actually train our "natural" traits to be what we need them to be.  It's not something that just happens to us or rather, it doesn't have to be.  On occasion, our minds are not in the shape we may prefer them to be.  ...segueing into a conversation   that I recently had over dinner with a wonderful girlfriend of mine, Carolina Maldonado O'Brien. She is not only sweet, caring and fun but extremely business savvy as well. (She is the only female executive for male dominant global Kingston Technologies.) She shared some news with me that was quite interesting... of how we can train our brains. Her young daughter was recently taken to the The Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine for EEG Biofeedback. The doctor informed her that the brain can actually be trained to think and feel differently than we have been all our lives.  For instance, anyone with ADD, ADHD, Anxiety or Depression (for instance -who doesn't have at least one of these today :- ) can improve and strengthen their brainwave patterns via a special learning process (neurofeedback training - vs drugs) towards a better "you"! HOW INCREDIBLE is THAT? It leads me to believe that we can train our brains in many productive, loving and positive ways as well. In design, I often try to improve my creativity by training my brain to be patient; actually imagining each piece, each texture, the lighting, the scale, each proportion and the overall design of a room (in its entirety) before I place ANY new element into the design... It takes a lot of patience (and took a long time to gain this patience - something I still continuously work on) but I find it REALLY helps take the design from good to great! You will be surprised how much this will help your end product (if you have the patience to piece it all together PRIOR to building one thing!) How do you nurture your brain and creativity?

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